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EU Children's Participation Platform

Meet our Partners

The EU Children’s Participation Platform teams up with experienced partners to help children have a say in decisions that matter. Hear from ICF, Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd (RPA), Save the Children, and SOS Children’s Villages on how they are making it happen!

  • Black logo of ICF.

    About: ICF is a team of experts who help create and support European programs and policies. For 25 years, we have been helping people learn from each other through projects. We make sure that everyone can collaborate and work together to make a difference.

    What is your role? At the Children’s Participation Platform, ICF helps everyone share their ideas and learn together. With our team of experts, we help children and adults connect and learn about child participation, making sure children have a say in things that affect them.

    Why is it important to be involved in the Platform? The Platform is important to us because we want children to be included and heard. We believe that everyone, especially children, should have a safe and meaningful way to share their ideas. By working with the Platform, we can help create a better and more inclusive future for children across Europe.

    Learn more about ICF 

  • Red and blue logo of Risk and Policy Analysts
    Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd (RPA)

    About: Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd (RPA) is an independent consultancy that helps analyse and understand laws and policies. We started in 1990 and have worked on many projects for the European Commission, international organisations, and national governments. We look at how rules affect people and their environments, and what happens when people don’t follow these rules. We work on many topics like justice, human rights, employment, social inclusion, and workplace safety. We are experienced in collecting and studying data, talking with different people, checking if laws work well, and evaluating policies.

    What is your role? We lead the research and policy tasks for the Children’s Participation Platform. This involves planning and running surveys, focus groups and interviews with children in European Union (EU) countries and creating a two-year work plan for the Platform. We also help with communication activities and the organisation of meetings.

    Why is it important to be involved in the Platform? We are excited to be part of the Platform because it gives children a chance to share their opinions and learn how decisions are made in the EU. Through the Platform, children can talk about what matters to them, learn about their rights, and speak directly with policymakers. 

    Learn more about Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd (RPA)

  • Red and black logo of Save the Children.
    Save the Children

    About:Save the Children has been around for more than 100 years! We are a big organisation dedicated to helping children around the world. It is important to us to protect children so that they can grow up safe and healthy, without violence. To make this happen, we have rules and agreements so that everyone who works with children knows how to keep them safe. Part of these rules help children share their voices in a safe, respectful and friendly way. Across Europe, we encourage children to speak up and be involved in decisions that affect them.

    What is your role? On the Platform, we advise on how to make activities more child-friendly, accessible, safe, and meaningful for children. Every country we work with has an Empowerment Officer who works with children. They organise discussions and support children in their role in the Children’s Panel. We also help organise online and face-to-face events, like the General Assembly and Advisory Board meetings.

    Why is it important to be involved in the Platform? Child participation is at the heart of our work. The Platform gives children a chance to be involved in EU decision-making processes. The Platform teaches everyone - children, adults, and organisations - how important it is for children to be involved. We value this opportunity to use our expertise to support children’s involvement in shaping EU decisions. 

    Learn more about Save the Children

  • Blue and white logo of SOS Children’s Villages.
    SOS Children’s Villages

    About: SOS Children’s Villages helps children and teenagers without parents or whose families face different problems. We are in 136 countries, including 23 in the EU, providing care, family support, and programmes to help young people succeed. We also fight for every child’s right to make sure they grow up safe and can develop their skills. 

    We focus on children’s rights, protection, fighting child poverty, and preventing the separation of children from their families. In Brussels, we work with the EU Institutions to support EU initiatives like the European Child Guarantee and the EU Youth Action Plan.

    What is your role? We help organise consultations with children, making sure their participation is safe and meaningful. We create child-friendly documents and advise on involving children in all Platform activities. Our team has experts from Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Portugal. Our EU office helps with advocacy and visibility activities linked to the Platform.

    Why is it important to be involved in the Platform? We believe in the power of children’s participation. Being part of the Platform helps children from different backgrounds share their ideas, learn, and grow. It’s a space for them to become active citizens and make the EU better and safer. 

    The Platform can bring lasting change in how children are involved in decisions affecting their lives. It’s exciting to hear children’s ideas, suggestions for solutions to problems, and see their commitment. 

    Learn more about SOS Children’s Villages