The EU Children's Participation Platform held a first working meeting with child members: Create, Plan, Participate.
36 children from across Europe between the ages of 10-17 came together in Brussels on June 27-28.
The meeting was co-organised and co-facilitated by the Platform's Children's Panel. They were active in the event organisation, co-chairing the sessions, supporting the media team, interviewing EU officials, and animating fun warm-ups.
The objectives of this meeting were to review the work done over the last two years (Work Plan 2023-2024) and discuss and propose topics for the next Work Plan (2025-2026).
Day 1: What was done in 2023-2024
The children worked in groups to review the work done in the last two years. To say what has worked, what could be improved, and what else could be done.
The review covered activities, information and communication, the Platform's different groups (like the Children's Panel), and how they feel about the changes made as a result of their input.
Day 2: What to do in 2025-2026
Children discussed their hopes and dreams, and put together proposals for the future work of the Platform.
To help and inspire them, adults from the European Commission came to exchange with the children on the topics of poverty and inclusion; well-being and education; safety, including online and (cyber) bullying; climate change; and funding. The children then brainstormed the topics, prioritised what was important for them, and came up with their proposals.