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EU Children's Participation Platform
ActivityEU Children's PlatformBrussels2 September 2024

Let children’s voices be heard! Join the Together project online event

“Together” project logo, accompanied by the slogan “Strengthening child and youth participation in public decision-making” below it.
© Together project

SOS Children's Villages has been working with children and teenagers who live in care or vulnerable situations in Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, and Spain. They want to help children have a say in important decisions that affect them such as COVID-19 and other emergencies.

The "Together" project is all about making sure children's rights are respected. It is important to let children be part of making big decisions. To do this, the project wants to help adults understand and respect children’s rights and make sure they can join in on important decisions.

Project activities include learning opportunities between children, creating training programs, and making suggestions to improve how children can join in.

As the project finishes, the Together team are inviting decision-makers and people who work with children to join an online event. During the event, you will hear about what the project has done over the past two years including workshops that have been led by children. Children and teenagers involved in the project will share their ideas on how they want to be part of public decision-making. 

The online event will have two sessions: 

  • 09 October 2024, 10:00-11:30 CET    
    • Session 1: Presentation of the project
  • 16 October 2024, 10:00-11:30 CET 
    • Session 2: Let our voices be heard! Recommendations from children and young people 

Please register to join the event 

Before the event, you can also take part in the "Meaningful Child and Youth Participation in Public Decision-Making" e-learning course and watch four videos made by children about the topics they care about. 

The project is supported by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme of the European Union.