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EU Children's Participation Platform

The Platform is an initiative working at EU and national levels to provide children with a safe space to have their say in important decisions. 

It was set up in 2022 by a team called the Secretariat, chosen by the European Commission.


The Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day work of the Platform. It is made up of a group of Partners and Experts, that bring together professional skills and child participation expertise. 


  • ICF S.A, work with the European Commission to produce the Platform’s Work Plan. They coordinate the Platform’s activities and collaborate with Partners and Experts to bring together the necessary expertise. 
  • Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd (RPA) provide research on important topics that impact children. They help organise discussions with children, including the scoping of surveys and providing written reports on the children’s input.
  • Save the Children share their experience in creating child friendly spaces, scoping and running child participation activities, and good practice in safeguarding. 
  • SOS Children’s Villages, help the Platform create child-friendly documents, and provide tools and expertise on child participation practice and activities.

    Meet our Partners


  • Professor Laura Lundy developed the Lundy Model of child participation, which underpins the work of the Platform. She also helps to scope and facilitate our activities. 
  • Professor Cath Larkins supports the team to scope and facilitate participation activities in an inclusive and creative way, which supports children to lead and co-lead the Platform activities.

    Meet our Experts

The Secretariat also includes specialist Child Protection Officers and Child Empowerment Officers from Save the Children and SOS Children’s Villages.

  • Child Protection Officers (CPOs) help scope and implement our safeguarding measures, to make sure children are safe in all the Platform activities. 
  • Child Empowerment Officers (CEOs) work with children in their own countries to ensure their voices are included in the Platform consultations.

The Platform also has an Advisory Board and a Children’s Panel, which work closely with the Secretariat to help scope and co-create the Platform’s activities and plans.