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EU Children's Participation Platform

Website Co-creation Team

It’s important that our website meets the needs of children and teens, so they have a good experience when they visit us. 

To help us in this work, we have a dedicated team of six teenage Platform members from Italy and Bulgaria. They are the Website Co-creation Team. Meet them and see their work!

Here's the team

Bulgarian State Agency for Child Protection

Photo of a member of our co-creation team

"The development of the site was a collection of different nationalities, ages and ideas. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to join this adventure. It was very interesting and useful, but at the same time fun. I definitely learned a lot!"  Adriyana

Photo of a member of our co-creation team

"Working on this project was incredibly inspiring. I believe that through the European Commission's child participation platform, we are creating a space where young voices can be heard and contribute to the future of Europe."  Andon

Photo of a member of our co-creation team

"The strongest actions for young people are to love themselves, be themselves and shine amongst those who never believed they could."  Katrin 

Italian Independent Authority for Children and Adolescents

Photo of a member of our co-creation team

"I’m very happy to participate in this initiative because I think it’s important to listen to the voices of young people."  Beatrice

Photo of a member of our co-creation team

"I strongly believe that as children who have the possibility to do so, we not only have the right but also the duty to speak and be listened on matters that concern us. It feels fantastic to be able to make a difference!"  Emanuele

Photo of a member of our co-creation team

"If you are a kid or a teen reading this, you have to know that your voice matters. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself and for your rights!"  Marta

Here's some of their work