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EU Children's Participation Platform
AnnouncementEU Children's PlatformBrussels7 May 2024

Get ready! 2024 European elections

Girl jumping in the air - excited about the EU elections
  • © European Union

The 2024 European elections are coming up on 9 June, and it's an exciting time for everyone, including young people who are voting for the first time.

The European election is an opportunity once in every five years to vote for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who will represent your interests.

In most countries you must be 18 to vote, but if you live in Austria, Belgium, Germany or Malta, the voting age is 16 – while in Greece it’s 17.

Use your voice!

It's important to get involved. You can join debates, meet decision-makers, and support initiatives. Your voice matters and voting are one way to shape the future of Europe.  

After the elections, there are even more ways to stay involved, and follow the work of the MEP who you voted for!

Want to know more?

The Learning Corner has an interactive online leaflet to tell young people how the elections work and how to get involved.

Get the online leaflet (in all languages)


The European Parliament has a Youth Hub for teens from the age of 16 onwards. There are different programmes and groups in EU countries, online games and so much more!

Visit the Youth Hub